Vacation Bible School (VBS)

We host an annual VBS every summer for families and children both who attend our our church regularly and those from around our community. Our VBS is a week long program open to all kids in the communities we serve.!

While attending VBS, children encounter stories from the Bible, meet new children, have a good time with friends, and experience new and fun activities. They learn Bible verses, act out Bible stories, sing fun educational songs, watch and participate in skits, create crafts, participate in recreation, take part in hands-on mission projects, discover science activities, and have a snack or a meal.

VBS provides an opportunity to teach children about Jesus so that they can learn ways to be like Christ.

“Jesus matured in wisdom and years, and in favor with God and with people.” – Luke 2:52

Children grow in wisdom as they experience teachings from the Bible; they grow in divine favor as they discover more about God and God’s amazing love for them, and they develop in favor with other people as they learn life application skills while interacting with others.

Information about upcoming VBS will be posted to our Events page and our Facebook page. Parents, for more information about our VBS, you can email and someone from our team will follow up with you.